design Alberto Minotti
This model leads the uniformity of lines to its summit by blending tall and base units vertical lines. The focus of this project is disguising the only irregular element in a kitchen: the joint between the cabinets. This black vertical line, always present in between the units, can be annoying most of all with lighter colors.
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MAISTRI a brand of ASSO s.p.a.
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via brennero 41- 43
37029 san pietro in cariano - verona italia
t +39 045 6835111 - f +39 045 6835151
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ASSO SPA - With the sole purpose of improving them, ASSO s.p.a. reserves the right to make changes to its products at anytime. Images are not binding as alterations may be due to printing technology. Promotional materials are meant for informative purposes only: for further information please refer to the pricelist or set of samples. Partial or total reproduction of information contained in this document is forbidden in Italy and abroad.
ASSO SPA - With the sole purpose of improving them, ASSO s.p.a. reserves the right to make changes to its products at anytime. Images are not binding as alterations may be due to printing technology. Promotional materials are meant for informative purposes only: for further information please refer to the pricelist or set of samples. Partial or total reproduction of information contained in this document is forbidden in Italy and abroad.
MAISTRI a brand of ASSO s.p.a.
via brennero 41- 43
37029 san pietro in cariano - verona italia
t +39 045 6835111 - f +39 045 6835151
[email protected]
via brennero 41- 43
37029 san pietro in cariano - verona italia
t +39 045 6835111 - f +39 045 6835151
[email protected]
ASSO SPA - Si riserva in qualunque momento di apportare ai propri prodotti modifiche mirate al miglioramento qualitativo e funzionale della offerta dei propri prodotti. Le immagini non sono da considerarsi vincolanti, in quanto potrebbero esserci delle variazioni dipese dalla tecnologia di stampa. I testi hanno scopo divulgativo: per ulteriori informazioni consultare listino e campionario. È vietata ogni riproduzione totale o parziale in italia e all’estero.
ASSO SPA - With the sole purpose of improving them, ASSO s.p.a. reserves the right to make changes to its products at anytime. Images are not binding as alterations may be due to printing technology. Promotional materials are meant for informative purposes only: for further information please refer to the pricelist or set of samples. Partial or total reproduction of information contained in this document is forbidden in Italy and abroad.
ASSO SPA - With the sole purpose of improving them, ASSO s.p.a. reserves the right to make changes to its products at anytime. Images are not binding as alterations may be due to printing technology. Promotional materials are meant for informative purposes only: for further information please refer to the pricelist or set of samples. Partial or total reproduction of information contained in this document is forbidden in Italy and abroad.